Google has launched new product similar to Apple TV which is known as Google Chromecast at an event in San Francisco. Its smaller in size, its cheap in price and it can be used on cross platforms with its comparison to Apple TV. Google Chromecast allows users to stream content from any device running Android, Windows , Mac, iOS to your Television aka TV. In Short words it brings your mobile video to Big screen without any complex installation.
Google Chromecast is an HDMI dongle that communicates with video and audio apps. Particularly on Mac or PC using its Chrome Browser Extension you can run content visible on your chrome window- including YouTube, Pandora, Google Play and Google Music.
Similarly on Android 1.3+ versions or iOS6+ you need to download Chromecast apps which will transfer the content to your big screen TV. On smartphones you can run only YouTube, Netflix, Google Play, Google Music and Pandora and other distributors will be added soon.
The whole thing is embedded into a dongle which will cost you $35. The cost seems to be less and as a result it went out of stock in few hours after the release of the device.
It seems to be the most important smart TV technology which is here with us. There 's great potential for Google in this market after Nexus Q drop down. Google also have announced an newer android version recently.
The installation of the device is pretty easy follow these instructions :
- Plug the device into an open HDMI port on your TV
- Attach the USB powered cord to the Chromecast
- Your TV will automatically turn on and will display a set-up screen for the device.
- Now, download and install App or extension on your device
- The installer will then connect your notebook to the Chromecast via Wi-Fi
- All its required is 3-6 mins for setup.
- Finally Done
Lets check the video on how to install the device :