Pune-based byond tech has launched a seventh tablet in Mi-book series as the Mi-book Mi7 priced at Rs. 11,499. The tablet will be available with online retailers like Flipkart and other distributors across the country.
The Mi-Book Mi7 sports a 7-inch capacitive touch screen with a 1024 x 600 pixel resolution and runs on Android 4.0.It features a 2-MP rear camera and a VGA front camera as well. It support 1080p video recording.
The tablet is powered by a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor with 512MB RAM. It has 4GB of Interal storage with external expansion option of upto 32GB.
The device comes with various pre-installed application like Facebook, Angry Birds, Temple Run, Adobe Reader and more. Connectivity option on the tablet include Wi-fi and bluetooth apart from 2G and 3G calling support. The tablet comes with a 3200mAh battery.
In October last year , byond launched 3D-based Android tablet with 7-inch and 10-inch screens priced between Rs 4300 and 11,000. These tablets pertain to Mi-Book series , which include the Mi1, Mi2, Mi3, Mi5, Mi7 and Mi9.
Just a week ago, the company entered the phablet catogory with its 6-inch Phablet PII . the dual-SIM device comes with Android 4.0 an 8-MP rear and VGA front camera, 1GHz dual-core processor and a 2500mAh battery priced at Rs 14,999 and is now available across India.
- Display : 7-inch (1024 x 600 ) capacitive touch screen
- Camera : 2-MP rear and VGA frot camera
- Processor : 1.2 GHz Dual-Core Processor
- Storage : 512MB RAM , 4GB internal (Expandable upto 32GB)
- Connectivity : 2G, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
- OperatingSystem : Android 4.0
- Battery : 3200 mAh Battery