Sony india thursday unveiled the next generation hybrid ultrabook Vaio Duo 11. The device will be available in the stores by the end of the December for Rs 89,990. Sony had globally showcased Vaio Duo 11 in August 2012 .
Sony vaio Duo 11 comes with what sony terms as the surf slider design which helps the device to switch smoothly between Tablets and Pc modes .It comes with 11.6-inch (29.4cm) screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. Vaio Duo 11 features a backlit keyboard , is 17.85 mm thin and weights 1.3 kilograms.
The device is powered by 3rd generation Intel core i5-3317U 1.7 GHz processor and runs on Windows 8. Other features include 4GB DDr3 SDRAM and 128 GB flash drive . Vaio Duo 11 comes with built-in 4,960mAh cell battery , which extends battery life to about 9 hours but will cost extra . As of Sony has not Zeroed in on the India price for this sheet- type battery.
There is 2 MP front camer on board . For connectivity sony Vaio Duo 11 comes with Bluetooth , USB 3.0, HDMI, Ethernet and VGA ports as well as a USB sleep charge that lets you charge USB device like mobile s or music player on the go even when PC is off.
The company shared that they currently no plans to come out with a similar product running on Windows RT.
- Intel Core i5-3517U
- Windows 8
- 128 GB SSD
- 29.4 cm OptiContrast Panle
- Full HD (1920 x 1080) with wide (16.9) aspect ratio, Capacitive touchscreen
- Intel HD Graphics 4000