Google is dangling a low - priced laptop computer in front of consumers as rival Microsoft and apple prepare to release their latest gadgets. The lightweight computer unvelied thursday will sell for $ 249 and is beign made in a partnership with Samsung electronics co ltd, which also makes smartphones and tablets that run on Google's Android Software. The laptop will run on operating system revolving around chrome web browser. Like other so- called chromebooks , this laptop dosen't have a hard drive . It functions like a terminal dependent on an internet connection to get to information and application stored in large data centres run by Google inc or others. It's the least expensive Chromebook that Google has released in the two years that it has been working on the product line . Google and samsung released in two years that it has been working on the product line . Google and samsung released a slightly more sophisticated chromebook priced at $449 in the late spring . The lower-priced model will go on sale early next week in more than 500 best buy stores in US as well as various websites. Google inc appears to trying to beat Microsoft and Apple to punch with discount Chromebook.